The Safety and Quality Testing and Assessment System, i.e. SQAS, is a transparent verification of logistics companies operating for the chemical and petrochemical industry. It indicates to what extent a given entity is prepared and how it carries out the transport of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished chemical products. SQAS is an instrument for the equal assessment of the quality, safety and logistic environment management systems of the customer.

Łukasz Siewnik, Security Officer for Dangerous Goods Transportation by Rail:

“The SQAS assessment performed by an independent organization does not lead to the issue of a certificate, but to the preparation of a detailed report, which is assessed by individual chemical companies taking into account their own requirements. For us, and above all for our current and potential customers, the most important thing is how we were assessed in individual categories, and how we operate among other market participants who decided to audit the SQAS. The certificate confirms our compliance with international safety and quality standards in the area of ​​transport of hazardous substances ”.

Grzegorz Bogacki, President of the Management Board of CTL Logistics:

“For us, as well as for our business partners, SQAS is a simplified SWOT analysis showing the weaknesses and strengths, indicating places for improvement. We realize that these places may be crucial for some chemical companies when choosing a service provider, for others - they may be of marginal importance, however, as a company, we undoubtedly gain a reliable assessment of quality, safety and environmental management systems. We hope that a positive SQAS assessment will be another argument in favor of choosing CTL Logistics as a business partner for companies in the fuel and chemical industries. We are one of the participants in the logistics chain that meets the relevant safety and quality standards and, at the same time, one of the most experienced in the transport of widely understood chemicals”.

Download:  CTL_Logistics_SQAS_Summary_Report