CTL Logistics s.r.o.
CTL Logistics s.r.o. is an international rail freight forwarder. We mediate in the organization of rail transport on the Czech, Slovak, Hungarian and Southern European markets, including the Balkans.
We specialize in the transport of mass products such as scrap, coal, fuels, grain, as well as the transport of specialized products, e.g. long rails.
We have many years of experience in cooperation with the local rail carriers, forwarders and major companies in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
Thanks to our excellent knowledge of the market, we are able to prepare a tailor-made offer, both for the destination in the Czech Republic and Slovakia as well as for the transit option – both north-south and east-west.
In addition, thanks to the support of the CTL Logistics Group, we offer rail transport on the Polish and German market for Czech and Slovak clients, with full service at rail border crossings.
The register office of our company is Ostrava, which is the center of the mining and steel industry and an important railway junction.
Scope of services
Organization of rail transport:
- in the Czech Republic and Slovakia in cooperation with large, nationwide carriers as well as smaller, operating locally.
- in Poland and Germany in cooperation with carriers from CTL Logistics sp.z o.o. and CTL Logistics GmbH (offer for clients from the Czech Republic and Slovakia).
- in Central and Southern Europe, incl. Hungary, Austria, Serbia, Macedonia, Croatia, Italy, Turkey in cooperation with trusted, professional carriers and forwarders in individual countries.
- service of trains at the Czech Republic-Poland and Czech Republic-Germany border crossing points.
Sales team
Pavlina Mannová
Dana Knopfová
CTL Logistics, s.r.o.
Vratimovská 624/11, Kunčičky
718 00 Ostrava
e-mail: info@ctl.eu
IČ: 623 61 732, Společnost zapsaná
u Krajského soudu v Ostravě, oddíl C,
vložka 131 64
Board of Management
CEO / Jednatel