For the fourth time, the Forbes magazine and the analytical and research company Statista have published the List of Poland's Best Employers 2024. Approximately 2,000 companies employing minimum 250 employees in Poland and operating in one or more of the 25 industries covered by the List applied for survey participation.

At the end of the day the List comprised 300 companies operating in Poland whose HR achievements merited the title of best employer. The evaluation was performed by the employees themselves in anonymous questionnaires. The target surveyed category comprised a representative group of 20,000 people working for large companies. Their responses provided the data for the analysis. This is the direct voice of the employees, which guarantees the independence of the results.

Two basic evaluation criteria were as follows:

-        direct recommendation, i.e. willingness to recommend one's own employer to a friend or family member,

-        indirect recommendation, i.e. willingness to recommend other employers in the sector to a friend or family member

Both recommendations were complemented by the employers' assessment in 7 areas: image and growth, employee relations and management, development and prospects, workload, sustainable development, pay, working conditions and equipment.

Grzegorz Bogacki, President of the Management Board of CTL Logistics:

"7th position in the Transport and Logistics category is a notch higher compared to last year. I would like to thank all those who voted for our Company. This is a token of recognition for the mission we have been pursuing to develop an attractive and user-friendly working environment for our personnel. Thank you for appreciating our efforts and we promise to strive for even better performance in the future."