"International Rail Freight" is one of the main themes of the VIII Railway Congress. Therefore, CTL Logistics could not be missing among the partners of the event.

The Warsaw Legia stadium is associated with sports fever. 7th of November although the current Polish champion does not have a scheduled match, there will be plenty of emotions in the facility. This time, however, they will be quite different. The arrived guests will be participants of one of the most important rail events in the country - the VIII Railway Congress. The organizers and industry experts will take care of interesting discussions and the opportunity to exchange experiences and opinions during thematically varied panels.

The Congress program includes debates devoted to, among others in the transport development strategy in Poland, changes in the market of rolling stock manufacturers, commercialization of stations, financing of regional railways and international rail freight.

The last of the abovementioned agenda items is particularly interesting for CTL Logistics. The CTL Group has its own companies in Germany and the Czech Republic, and is also a co-owner of the Company in Belarus, which reflect to the company's strategy of developing European transport. The base in the form of European Subsidiaries is a resource that gives the CTL Company the potential to develop international rail freight.

The representatives of CTL Logistics emphasize the importance of the next Railway Congress - Such meetings are a unique opportunity to exchange experiences, opinions, and prepare the foundations for future cooperation - says the president of CTL Logistics Grzegorz Bogacki. - We feel co-responsible for building the market, which is why we support the organization of the Congress, both financially and substantively. Our employees in the lobby of the Congress will be happy to talk to other representatives of the railway industry - adds Bogacki.