Andrzej Pawłowski, Member of the Board of CTL Logistics, Director of Operations and Rolling Stock Maintenance in CTL Logistics: "RAILSoft is the most important project of 2020 for CTL Logistics, but above all for our clients. We implement and test its main modules at the most difficult of possible dates - during lockdown, coronavirus pandemic, and remote work. This is a huge organizational and IT challenge, huge work of several dozen people, which is why we are more pleased to announce the final test of the next 5 stage in the area of ​​the most difficult operational processes of Transport Planning and Implementation and comprehensive tests of all 5 stages”.

The implementation contractor is Petrosoft, a simultaneous supplier of RAILSoft Business Solutions and mRails.

The modules that have already been started production included processes related to the maintenance of Wagons and Traction Vehicles, management of Traction Teams, CRM, Calculations, and additionally as part of stage 5 implementation integration with SKRJ and SEPE systems, with the Polish Railway Map, with the Impuls system (Fin and HR), Ascent (Register of Agreements) and Transport of Taxi employees (e-Travel), a total of 61 functional modules.

The implementation process of each of the 61 integrated modules of the RAILSoft system in each of the areas was preceded by the concept of analytical assumptions, focused on the operational needs of system users also on the client needs.

Wagons Operational Area [stage1] enables comprehensive management of freight wagons. This area also includes functionalities related to the registration of contracts, annexes and protocols for the replacement of wagons for lease, rental, ECM, workshops and insurers. Other advantages include the option of registering mileage and defects of wagons (decommissioning declarations) by the lessee via the website.

Traction Vehicles Area [stage2] just like in the wagon area, the system enables comprehensive locomotive maintenance management. Another advantage is the ability to generate a time, quantity and cost schedule of planned inspections and repairs, as well as registration of equipment decommissioning together with equipment maintenance costs and supervision of the status of registered notifications.

Traction Teams Area [stage3] enables management of information on trainings, examinations and authorizations of employees performing processes of transport and / or maintenance of Train Drivers and Auditors. In addition, a number of functionalities have been implemented for Train Drivers and Auditors available on mobile devices that allow you to monitor track processes on an ongoing basis, reporting failures, registering transport status - driving, stopping, loading, unloading, waiting, defining the working mode of Train Drivers, Auditors, and the Work Card of Loco Drivers, Setters, Shunters and Auditors, creation of the R7 Electronic Brake Test Card - preparation from the ground, timetables for the driver.

The area of ​​CRM and Calculation [stage4] is, in the simplest terms, the managing relations with current and potential clients in CTL Logistics. Customer Panel - creating and handling an inquiry using the website (WEB version) and accepting offers, managing offers and orders, ensuring efficient communication with the Customer through the Customer Panel, ordering transports and other services, registering waybills and a number of other functionalities related to the process Transport Planning and Implementation.

The largest area of ​​implementation Planning and Implementation of Transport [stage5] are primarily modules: Planning - Planner's Panel, Execution - Dispatcher's Panel Traction Vehicle Circulation and Implementation of Journeys. It also includes Railway Documents and Artificial Intelligence that allows you to specify the necessary resources to carry out transport, the Polish Railway Map and other solutions that allow for ongoing supervision of train traffic.

Andrzej Pawłowski: “Before running the fifth stage of production, we decided that the tests will cover not only Transport Planning and Implementation, but also inter-module tests of all other (61 functional modules in total), which were carried out at three levels: functional and integration, acceptance and technical. Over 70 testers, 33 test scenarios, including 220 steps, 2,800 pages of analytical documentation and instructions, 370 users, including almost 200 Loco Drivers and 40 Auditors”.

Two stages remain to be completed, including Workshops, which is comprehensive repair service with WEB website for the settlement of repairs with workshops. Operational and Financial Reporting and system implementation in other companies of the CTL Group.

The deadline for completing the implementation of the RAILSoft system is October 30, 2020. From 1 November to 31 December, two large RAILSOFT and Logistics systems as well as several dozen other tools will be used. Full production start of the RAILSOFT system and shutting down all old systems and other tools will take place on January 1, 2021.

CTL Logistics Team involved in the implementation of the project

The implementation is supervised by Member of the Board Andrzej Pawłowski - KS President, organization is implemented by Grażyna Krusiewicz - Project Manager, Krzysztof Bałc - Business Coordinator of IT Projects in the CTL Group is responsible for substantive coordination and quality of data.

A special job-related input: Dawid Nowakowski in the area of ​​Transport Planning; Adrian Kozak, Mateusz Grzywnowicz, Krzysztof Baros, Mariusz Szkodny in the area of ​​Transport Services (Dispatching); Witold Hickiewicz, Marcin Guzenda in the CRM Commercial Area; Leszek Pierwocha, Ewa Wysocka, Arkadiusz Kuzia in the area of ​​CRM - Calculations; Bartosz Widera, Sylwia Biskup, Mirosław Dura, Michał Jarosz, Leszek Nowak in the area of ​​Traction Teams; Agnieszka Gregorczyk in the area of ​​HR; Artur Paciorek, Michał Gaweł, Marcin Pławiak, Robert Kęsicki in the area of ​​Maintenance of Wagons and Traction Vehicles and Auditors; Aleksandra Kamieniarz in the area of ​​Financial Controlling and Andrzej Fil, Jarosław Rembarz and Robert Orman from the IT area.