The Office of Rail Transport [UTK] has published monthly operational data for the month of May 2020. CTL Logistics after the April’s fall, again "jumped" to the top five largest rail freight carriers in terms of both the weight of goods and operational work.

According to UTK data, CTL Logistics has a 3.78% market share in the period of January-May 2015 by mass of goods (3.43% in the same period last year), and 4.51% market share according to operational work.
Since the beginning of the year, the dynamics of CTL Group market shares has remained at a similar level, reaching in the following periods respectively: January 2020 3.85%, February this year. 3.84%, March 3.84%, April 3.60%, while May 3.73%.

Grzegorz Bogacki, President of the Management Board of CTL Logistics: "In recent years, our position No 5 has been stable, unchanging and" inviolable ". Of course, it was the result of long-term efforts to improve efficiency, work organization, implemented development projects. In April, our hallmarks, i.e. quality of service and flexibility, were not enough for the coronavirus pandemic. Now CTL is back on track, the economy is back, and although just as one swallow does not make a summer, as one better month is not a bull market, we are counting on maintaining a steady upward trend. We mobilize our activities so that the quality of services provided under epidemiological test remains at the highest level. The guarantee is almost 30 years of CTL Logistics Group experience in the industry and the high competence of our staff. "