The Office of Rail Transport published the results of rail transport in February 2020. The share of CTL Logistics by mass of goods and by transport activity in the market increased compared to the same period last year. The trend is satisfactory, the question is what next ...

- "We are systematically improving our results, maintaining a stable position among the largest freight carriers in Poland. Despite the difficult economic situation caused by the COVID-19 epidemic, we try to do our best, which is also reflected in the published results. This March and the following months will answer the question whether our commitment, quality and reliability of services will allow us to achieve satisfactory results. Thanks to rail transport, it is possible to maintain supply chain continuity, which is important, safe and this is a priority in the current situation. The dynamics of changes in the economy is enormous and the situation difficult to predict. For now, I can thank customers for trust and employees for the result. " - says Grzegorz Bogacki, President of the Management Board of CTL Logistics.

According to today's UTK [Office of Rail Transport] data, CTL Logistics has a 3.8% market share by mass of goods (3.64% in the same period last year). According to transport activity, a fifth item with a 4.36% market share (increase by 0.12%).