Andrzej Pawłowski in the Management Board of the ZNPK
He replaced Zygmunt Siarkiewicz in the Management Board of ZNPK, who resigned from his position due to his retirement. Wojciech Jurkiewicz – President of the Management Board and Mirosław Szczelina – Member of the Management Board remain in the Management Board of ZNPK.
“A” for CTL Logistics in rating system by UTK’s May data!
The Office of Rail Transport [UTK] has published monthly operational data for the month of May 2020. CTL Logistics after the April’s fall, again “jumped” to the top five largest rail freight carriers in terms of both the weight of goods and operational work.
GOOD HEART has GREAT power !
Easter is coming soon, a time of hope and kindness. We have never waited for good news before, bringing peace, strength and hope for a better future. We know that our friends from the Sosnowiec Social Cooperative Entity also trust that in these difficult moments we will remember them!
Advanced work on RAILSoft
We are gathering speed to start with the whole of 1st08 January 2021. 70 modules so an ambitious task. It is necessary to mobilize on all fronts which, especially in terms of communication, is currently difficult. There is nothing like a dozen people in the room and arguing about the best solutions 👊 now remotely but efficiently!
GOOD HEART has GREAT power !
Już wkrótce Wielkanoc, czas nadziei, życzliwości. Nigdy wcześniej nie czekaliśmy tak na dobre wiadomości, niosące spokój, siłę i nadzieję na lepszą przyszłość. Wiemy, że nasi przyjaciele z Sosnowiec Spółdzielni Socjalnej także pokładają ufność, że w tych trudnych momentach będziemy o nich pamiętać!
CTL Maczki-Bór rail-road crossings in the notification system 112
After several months of preparation, railway crossings belonging to the CTL Logistics Group are already covered by the 112 notification system. CTL Maczki Bór as the Infrastructure Manager has just carried out system tests .
The Office of Rail Transport published the results of rail transport in February 2020.
Urząd Transportu Kolejowego opublikował wyniki przewozów kolejowych w lutym 2020 r. Udział CTL Logistics wg masy towarów oraz wg pracy przewozowej w rynku zwiększył się w stosunku do analogicznego okresu roku ubiegłego. Trend jest zadowalający, pytanie co dalej…
Holidays, holidays and after …. Easter holidays
Holidays, holidays and after …. Easter holidays. It’s time to come back with a double energy but maintaining the internal recommendations minimizing the possibility of COVID spread -19 It’s been a month, but health is a priority !!! therefore, in the CTL Logistics Group until 4th of May!!!
Rail in the face of new challenges – CTL Logistics is a partner of the Railway Congress
Increasing the role of railways in freight transport is a challenge for the state and carriers. The data according to UTK prove how difficult this process is. Only in September this year the average distance of one ton of freight transported by rail was lower by nearly 10 km, compared to the same period last year. The participants of one of the debates held as part of the 9th Congress of Railway discussed how to increase the competitiveness of rail freight. The event partner was the CTL Logistics group.
The inhabitants of the Upper Silesian-Zagłębie Metropolis will gain 20 km of bicycle routes thanks to the CTL Logistics Group
The first step has passed! Finale – a construction of modern 20 km long bicycle paths on the grounds of the former sand line of the CTL Group. On 23rd December this year, a letter of intent was signed in which the representatives of the Upper Silesian-Zagłębie Metropolis expressed their intention to purchase land running through the former Poniatowski – Wujek and JCC Poniatowski railway line to create metropolitan bicycle routes.
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